As an artist I concentrate on shapes, volumes and light. Some people see color, and some hear sounds. When I look at a tree, I see it as a shape, having volume and occupying space and making voids. I observe nature in this manner.

Using human figures, insects, animals and many models and shapes stored in my memory, I first draw from the model them as I look at the figurative drawing new volumes emerge lines are connected and forms appear in different ways on paper. I draw until I am satisfied with the forms, and then I merge them into a special piece of sculpture.

My work is influenced by everything I see and do. Experiences of having lived in different parts of the world, in both urban and rural settings, people I talk to, books I read and art shows all combine and emerge as a new language in my work. When I finish a piece of sculpture, I have expressed my ideas, emotions and feelings, but I still cannot find the exact words to explain what I have done with that particular piece. I am always surprised at what I do in creating a finished piece. I feel drawing and sculpture are the media in which I express myself best.

The Studio Show- Body of Work is based on Lago Nahuel Huapi, This lake is in Argentina, the floor of the lake is compose of ashes from the volcanoes around the lake. The lake is in the Northern of Patagonia between Rio Negro and Nenquen, it is a glacier lake. The explosion of the volcano Puyehue caused part of the lake to be blanketed in volcanic ash, it has crystal clear blue waters and is very deep. After being there I started to draw and this is the result of what I remembered and dreamed about it.

Show: Symbols & Other Clues. Early in my formal art studies, I became fascinated with ancient cultures. Using their art to communicate and document was of special interest to me. As I look back, I see Incan, Mayan and African art as my strongest influences, however there are times my personal, diverse heritage which includes Spanish and Native American, comes through powerfully. I am grateful for the freedom of expression and spontaneity that has come to me in the last three years. Ushering art forms to come out of my brain with no forethought of a subject is a gift. Creativity is very important to me.